Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Task 7 - Ideas generation and production for college promotion

Today we were tasked with creating some ideas for a welcoming message or a welcoming poster for the college. I then proceeded to use a mind map and try and gather ideas for a poster or a welcome card.

I had also previously agreed with the tutor that it would be a suitable thing to change up my idea to do my campaign on the college rather than the college course, this would explain why my idea's gen is about the general college life.

I tried to use as many ideas as I could, as I will now be able to use this for future reference for the poster or welcome card I will soon be developing.

I then continued to go and do a rough design of what I want my welcome card to look like, this is only an alpha test, and is not the final.

I want to try and get across what the college does, but in a very friendly and fun approach to the college, although I probably will include some form of imaging and fun text in the final, the above is just a rough sketch.

I then had discovered that the logo had been changed recently, to PCA ( Plymouth college of art ) rather than " of art and design " so I am now going to have another go at re-creating my concept design, I'm going to keep the colours because the colour matches the site, and adds a feeling of connection, but obviously the typography and text is open to change.

I have also decided that my host sites are going to be...


facebook is a social networking site, where alot of people of all ages go to to socialize online, if PCA had an advert on facebook, it could potentially attract a large client base. the same can be said about the next 2 sites, thousands of people visit them daily, and is a great place for advertisements.



These sites are rather popular for sociology, and are visited by thousands a day, if the college advertised on these sites it could potentially bring a lot of people to apply for PCA. I also took inspiration from the website for the new concept below.

The constructive criticism of my peers and my tutor have lead me to feel that my 2nd concept design still does need change. I feel that the text needs to be changed to something more exciting, and maybe removing the blur to make it appear more natural, the images don't seem to mix with the background and may also need changing. but i'm going to keep the colour as I feel the black and yellow matches well to the website.

This is my 2nd concept idea of my postcard, more of a prototype for my postcard, I'm planning on editing it and moving the paint lines around with the images to make it more visually appealing, and may go for a similar approach with my web banner and poster and if possible, add some animation into the web banner like moving cameras or characters etc.

Here is my web banner, my first prototype of my web banner, it matches the landing site colours and has funky text which I feel is attractive to the viewer. I am planning on placing some animation into my web banner, potentially with a brush and some paint splodges that will reveal the title of the banner, or maybe even the entire banner itself.

Here is my prototype poster, I'm actually rather happy with it, and may use it as my final, if not with a few modifications, it holds work created my PCA students and witholds the PCA website for people to connect to and have a look at the landing site and courses available.

I then continued to go on to create my final web banner, which I felt would be the hardest task to complete,  it is a animated web banner that can be placed in various positions on the web page, ideally at the top as it is a 468 x 60 format. it consists of a brush moving up and down across the banner painting the masked text " Games, Fashion Art and Design - Join Now! " with an "Apply here" button stated below.

The animated and finished version is at the bottom of the page, feel free to check it out.

I then started working on my welcome card, as my welcome card is the most incomplete, and my poster needs minimal modification as I'd like to use my prototype poster, as I feel the prototype was very good.

I then decided I wanted to create a face, and a back for the welcome card, rather than just creating a card, with a message on it, the final will have a design on the front, with colours relating to the rest of the campaign, it will have a well designed front, and well designed typography on the back.

Here is my final front, and I will soon start working on the back....

I then decided to design the other side of my welcome card which is shown below.

Below is my PCA poster that I designed, it was originally my prototype, but I felt that its design was good enough to reach final, the only modifications I made was to the text, as the text seemed a little simple, so I added a bevel and emboss to the text and added a drop shadow to the text, which gave it a sort of 3D effect to the text.

I had have come to the realisation my observational skills may not be as good as they could be, as I have had to keep re-editing work from constructive criticism from my peers, upon changing the work I have noticed a huge improvement in the work, and here are my updated postcard and Poster.

The poster had frames placed around two of the pictures, and the postcard had a word changed and had its text changed to a more professional format.

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