Tuesday 9 April 2013

Task 2 - Examination of 4 artist's work

on task 2 we've been tasked with finding 2 artists from 2 art movements and giving a brief overview of what they've done and who they are.


Edvard Munch

My first Artist I chose was a man called Edvard Munch, a man who worked in the expressionism art movement. Edvard was born in a rustic farmhouse in the village of Adalsbruk in Loten, to Christian Munch, the son of a priest. Christian was a doctor and medical officer who married Laura Catherine Bjolstad, a woman half his age, in 1861. Edvard had an elder sister, Johanne Sophie ( 1962 ) and three younger siblings: Peter Andreas (1865) Laura Catherine ( (1867) and Inger Marie (1868). Both Sophie and Edvard appear to have inherited their artistic talent from their mother. Evard Munch was related to painter Jacob Munch (1776-1839) and historian Peter Andreas Munch (1810-1863)

Christian Munch's military pay was very low, and his attempts at developing a private side practise failed, keeping his family in perennial poverty. They moved frequently from one sordid flat to another. Munch's early drawings and watercolours depicted these interiors, and the individual objects, such as medicine bottles and drawing implements, plus some landscapes, by his teens, art dominated Munch's interests. At thirteen, Munch had his first exposure to other artists at the newly formed Art Association, where he admired the work of the Norwegian landscape school. He returned to copy the paintings and soon he began to paint in oils.

Expressionism was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas. Expressionist artists sought to express Meaning or emotional experience rather than physical reality.

James Ensor

James Sidney Edouard, Baron Ensor was a belgian painter and printmaker, an important influence on expressionism and surrealism who lived in ostend for almost his entire life. He was associated with the artistic group Les XX.

While Ensor's early works, such as the " Russian Music (1881) " and " The Drunkards (1883) " depict realistic scenes in a somber style, his palette subsequently brightened and he favoured increasingly bizarre subject matter. Such paintings as " The Scandalized Masks (1883) " and " Skeletons over a hanged man (1891) " feature figures in grotesque masks inspired by the ons sold in his mothers gift shop from ostend's annual carnival. Subjects such as carnivals, masks, puppetry, skeletons, and fantastic allegories are dominant in Ensor's mature work. Ensordressed skeletons up in his studio and arranged them in colourful, enigmatic tableaux on the canvas, and used masks as a theatrical aspect in his still life's. Attracted by masks' plastic forms, bright colours, and potential psychological impact, he created a format in which he could paint with freedom.

Pop Art

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol ( August 6, 1928 - February 22 1987 ) was an american artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement that flourished by the 1960's. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhole became a renowned and sometimes contreversial artist. The Andy Warhole Museum in his native city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, holds an extensive permanant collection of art and archives. it is the largest museum in the united states dedicated to a single artist. 

Warhol has ben the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions, books, and feature and documentry films. He coined the widely used expression " 15 minutes of fame ". Many of his creations are very collectable and highly valuable. The highest price ever paid for a Warhol painting is a 100 Million US Dollars, for a 1963 canvas titled Eight Elvises. The private transaction was reported in a 2009 article in The Ecominist, which described Warhol as the " belwether of the art market ". Warhol's works include some of the most expencive paintings ever sold. 

David Hockney

Hockney was born in Bradford, England, on 9 July 1937 to Laura and Kenneth Hockney, the fourth of five children. He was educated at wellington primary school, bradford grammar school, Bradford College of Art, and the Royal college of art in london, where he met R.B. Kitaj. While there, hockney said he felt at home and took his pride in work. At the royal college of art, hockney featured in the exhibition " Young contemporaries " along with Peter Blake, that announced the arrival of british pop art. he was associated with the movement, but his early works display expressionist elements, not dissimilar to some works by Francis Bacon. 

he left for California after he got his diploma, where he subsequently lived for many years, inspired him to make a series of paintings of swimming pools in the comparitively new acrylic medium rendered in a highly realistic style using vibrant colours. The artist moved to Los angeles in 1964, returned to london in 1978, at first renting the canyon house he lived in and later bought the property and expanded it to include his studio. He also owned a 1,643 sqaure foot beach house at 21039 pacific coast highway in Malibu, which he sold in 1999 for around 1.5 Million dollars.

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